2025: Goals

It’s taken a week and a bit to collect my thoughts about what I want to achieve this year, and I think I have come up with some (finally).

Business - grow my client base, I would like a little more coming in each week to just spread my risk a little wider. My stretch goal would be to find one or two clients outwith the property industry to start building a relationship with and further insulate me from the ups and downs of property sales. This could be more on the surveying side of things, or something else entirely!

Business 2 - actually get the hut project completed and operational! This may be hampered by the road collapse, so it may be out my hands as to whether we get there or not, so no stretch goal on this. Just get to completion!

Health - I need to move more! It’s good to have a goal to achieve so my stated aim is to climb a mountain before the end of September… I used to climb a lot of mountains, but I haven’t been up one in years! To get to this stage is going to involve mountain biking, walking… possibly cold water swimming/dipping. I need to shed some weight, get some cardio fitness and overcome the permanent sciatica that came along with a car crash several years ago. A stretch goal for this - make that mountain a munro… possibly even The Ben.

Art - Both the artistic side of photography, some music and maybe something more? I have been looking through my back catalogue today and I can see that I am constantly moving and growing my style and portfolio. I want to really push myself this year with more thoughtful work as well as try to get into macro a lot more. Filming is going to be a big thing this year too - I want to do more of that for myself and for clients, and I want to do it better. Music is my headspace so I need to dedicate more time to that, not vast amounts necessarily, but at least half an hour per day (which may be in bulk - so averaged over a week!). Stretch goal on this - either drawing or writing I think… maybe work on one of those coffee table book projects that I have rattling around my brain!

Family - whilst this is last on the list… it is kinda forefront in my mind. More adventures this year! My stretch on this is 2 per month, my goal is 1 per month!


A Slow Start


Week One (2025)