Oh... ooops
This month, and particularly this week, have been filled with disaster!
My personal website has gone AWOL having lost it’s domain settings somewhere… somehow… so it isn’t linking. I need to either look into it or cancel it as I was starting to look at mothballing it anyway and starting up a new project. I haven’t quite decided as yet though but probably should soon.
That was the first and most minor of inconveniences though.
On Monday I was shooting a stunning sunset with the drone… in the dark. The drone clipped the top of a huge conifer, flipped and wound up somewhere in the forestry plantation in the dark. A replacement was ordered that night and arrived on Thursday allowing me to get back out to work with it on Friday! Until then I was relegated to using the Mini 3 which did well, mainly because we were blessed with glorious weather! I could have done without this the day before my car insurance renewal was due mind….
Then - on Thursday night - the water went off. A trip switch had fired off, so I reset and things seemed okay until Friday morning when it was off again. Another reset and I was thinking I would need to do something about this… got back from a job (on Angus’ birthday) and discovered it was gone again. I called out water specialist whom just happened to be in the village grabbing some lunch on the way home - and we decided that the pump was expired. It has been hanging on by the skin of it’s teeth for 2 years and I had a plan to change it come springtime. We hauled it out to see what it was and how deep it was, fortunately he had a suitable replacement in stock (just an hour and a half away) so went to pick that up whilst I worked on the electrics. Meanwhile a shout went out for the RNLI which I had to request assistance for as I was on duty and busy with my own disaster! By the time Adam got back it was starting to get well into the evening so we had a crazy job to get the new pump in position and rewired before dark. We only just made it! But that is yet another huge expense that I could have done without this week.
But at least we have water again! Although the filter keeps clogging and needing cleaned following the disturbance of the sediment!
It has been a pretty good week otherwise! Honest!
Anyway, I think Jen may have stumbled upon my headweasel source - I need adventure in my life, and that hasn’t been present for an age. So it looks like I am going to book onto a course next year to do something a bit “out there” - but in the mean time I need to get out and wander a bit.
Which is what I think I will do right now!