An Cruinneachadh
For quite some time now I have been working with “An Cruinneachadh/The Gathering” - a widely encompassing project blending arts and heritage in the “three glens” area of Glen Garry, Glen Moriston and Fort Augustus.
My role mutated from what was originally intended into running a couple of workshops to engage young people in photography, and specifically of photographing and recording their built heritage. In retrospect this may not have been the best use of me as a resource, but those who came along did enjoy themselves and sometimes these small seeds that are planted grow into something important so, personally, I feel it is way too early to judge what impact my own contribution had. One of the students from the school in particular I have high hopes for, he was something of a disruptive element within the school but really engaged well with what I was trying to show them in terms of photography… but even more so in terms of understanding their local heritage. Beyond this student we had a few others who showed some really great understanding of composition and art who could go on to great things in the visual arts.
It has been a great experience all in all, and I have enjoyed passing on my knowledge and some of the techniques that I use on a daily basis - so much so that I am starting to look more closely at my future plans as I really want to build on the workshop business as well as looking at the education side of things in a slightly different light too.
So now I am in the clear air having wrapped up two big events I had back to back this month I am going to start really thinking about where I am heading in 2024. I know I want to push the workshops so I will start putting together a “proper” program for the year, mainly focussed on Spring and Autumn I think. The huts are progressing very slowly forward too, and these will prove a lynch pin for my future plans as I want to offer residential courses based here at Clunemore at a considerably more accessible price point than many operating in the field. I want to open up the opportunity to those who perhaps don’t have quite the same disposable income of most who come to the Highlands to improve their art to immerse themselves in photography for a few days!