The Long Silence
So… things got a wee bit out of hand for a few weeks there!
Work went crazy, then I had a falling out with the main client… which we have since resolved (I think) - but it was all down to a feeling of being unvalued and under appreciated for just how far out of my way I go for them and the way that I felt I was being treated as a result. I really don’t ask for much, but sometimes you just feel taken advantage of, and this was one of those situations!
On top of all this working towards a resolution though, we went on holiday to Aberfeldy (not exactly a million miles away, granted, but it was nice to have a change of scenery for a few days, followed by working towards the Creative Light Festival with the awesome Margaret Soraya and also my first large direct job which… I have since worked out… I massively under charged for!
Since getting back from holiday and throwing myself into these two new projects though I have been hugely busy and feeling like I am learning quite a lot about my own direction and how to grow the business moving forward. It has been a hugely worthwhile process!
Prepare for a bit of a photo dump!
Back to normal for the next few days - working on property photography, floorplans and a little drone work! But I have ideas for the future, and thoughts to develop. It is all rather exciting!